The Verdant Gene

Falcon Ridge Publishing has recently reprinted my short story, The Verdant Gene. It was originally published in February 2014 by WMG Publishing in Moonscapes, part of their Fiction River anthology series. Verdant was also briefly available as an audio story, read by the wonderful Jane Kennedy, to promote the anthology.


Marcelle Dubé

Verdant Gene

We landed on Verdant one hundred and three years ago, in what turned out to be Year Three of the thirty-year Cycle.

In a stroke of cosmic bad luck, the probes that explored Verdant and mapped its solar system did so at apogee, when Castor and Pollux, the twin moons, were stable in the sky at the farthest they would be from Verdant, and each other. How were we to know that this stability would only last a year?

It took the original colonists a few years to realize that Verdant’s moons were slowly drawing closer to each other and to the planet. The attendant tides and wild weather soon made the colonists relocate the settlement to higher, more protected ground, but it was only at Year Fifteen of the Cycle, at perigee, that the colonists understood the full impact of the moons’ strange dance.

There have only been three Perigee Years since we landed on Verdant. With each one, we were better prepared to survive the physical onslaughts of storm and surge. But with each one, we lost more and more people to the Cycle madness.

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To read the rest of the story: | | barnes and noble | kobo | apple | smashwords

How to help a writer

The fourth Mendenhall Mystery is now available! It’s called The Untethered Woman, and I think it’s pretty good.

Well, I would, wouldn’t I?

If you’ve been reading the series and would like to help promote it, here are a few suggestions:

Buy the book. Or one of the books. Each book in the series reads well on its own, but is richer for having read the ones that came before. Untethered is only $5.99 for the ebook. The more people buy the book in the first month, the better chance the book has at being “discovered.” The print book will be available by the end of the month.

Leave a review. Reviews are gold. They help increase discoverability and let potential readers know if they might like to read it, too. If you liked the story (any story, really), leave a review where you bought it, or on Goodreads.

Tell someone. If you liked the book, tell someone who might be interested in it, too. Word of mouth is still the very best way of discovering a new author.

Talk to me. If something bugged you, even a typo, let me know. If you liked the book, you can tell me that, too.  🙂 You can connect via the contact link (above) or at marcelle.dube [at]

Share. Using social media is a wonderful way to spread the word. Here’s a suggestion for Twitter or Facebook:

When the unthinkable happens… The Untethered Woman, 4th in Mendenhall Mystery series now available |

Those are a few ideas for helping spread the word. Just in case you wanted to know.

A Yukon Christmas

Anyone who knows me knows I’m not much of a romantic. I don’t read romances, can’t stand “alpha” males and have no use cowboys-and-babies or sheik stories. But. I do like a believable, solid romance as part of the greater story. Like Karen Abrahamson‘s romantic suspense stories, or Toni Anderson‘s. And every year at about this time, I find myself hankering to write a love story. So without further ado, here’s the cover of my third annual Christmas romance short story, A Yukon Christmas.


After her 20-year marriage collapses from inertia, Beatrice Talsma sets off on a year-long, cross-Canada journey to discover where she truly belongs. When she reaches the Yukon, however, her short pause turns into a decision to settle down in this strange new place.

In a complete break with the past, she rents out a cabin in the Yukon wilderness. It’s a wonderful spot, except that her closest neighbor, Henry Pekarik, also her landlord, seems determined to help Beatrice out, whether she wants it or not. It’s becoming harder and harder to resist the man but the real test comes when he invites her to Christmas dinner with his family.

Buy links: | | kobo | barnes and noble | smashwords