These are trying times…

Like most of you, I’m trying to be socially responsible during this Covid-19 pandemic, which means staying at home. I find myself feeling… a little useless. So, if I can’t actively help during these trying times, maybe I can entertain others who are trapp need a break.

I’ve made two short stories available for free, if you’re looking for a little escapism. Neither one has anything to do with pandemics. They’re not free on Amazon because it takes forever for Amazon to flip to free. Smashwords can provide the stories in .mobi format.

Hang in there, everyone.

HOME RUN: At ten years old—almost eleven—Cooper knows more about surviving than most adults. He and his mom have spent the past three years on the run from the monster. Every time they settle down somewhere new, the monster finds them and they have to run again. But Cooper likes their latest home in Mendenhall and he doesn’t want to leave. Even when the monster finds them again. 

Universal Book Link | Kobo   Smashwords

TROLL COUNTRY: Twenty years after the troll first came for Annie and her sisters, it’s coming back. Only this time, it wants their children, too. 

Universal Book Link | Kobo | Smashwords
